Course Syllabus

Career and Technology/Problems and Solutions

CT Specialist: Mrs. Lisa Jasek




Room 118 or Resource Center 


8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. or by appointment


Monday  4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.







Problems and solutions is a project-based research course for associates who have the ability to research a real-world problem.  This course will serve as a foundation for relevance and the real-world of work. 


This is a lecture and hands on course in which topics are presented by the specialist or guest feature and the associates participate in discussions.  Individual/group projects are completed by associates both during and outside of class. Daily journals will provide enrichment.




  1. The associate will demonstrates professional standards as required by business and industry.
  2. The associate applies concepts of critical thinking and problem solving.
  3. The associate will identify the basic steps and techniques for career preparation and formulates a long term plan.
  4. The associate will compare and contrast jobs of the past, present and future.
  5. The associate uses employability skills to gain an entry-level job in a high-skill, high-wage, or high-demand field.
  6. The associate develops skills for success in the workplace.
  7. The associate applies work ethics, employer expectations and interactions with diverse populations, and communication skills in the workplace.
  8. The associate applies academic skills to job skills.
  9. The associate will collaborate with other team members to complete a group project.
  10.  The associate will conduct self-evaluations on personal and professional growth
  11. The associate applies the use of self-development techniques and interpersonal skills to accomplish objectives.
  12. The associate applies concepts and skills related to safety at the workplace.
  13. The associate evaluates personal attitudes and work habits that support career retention and advancement.
  14. The associate will accept constructive critic ism and revise employment appraisals.
  15. The associate uses technology tools to manage, research and evaluate projects.
  16. The associate demonstrates leadership and teamwork skills in collaborating with others to accomplish goals and objectives.
  17. The associate identifies skills and attributes necessary for professional advancement.
  18.  The associate describes the characteristics of business.
  19.  The student defines ethics in business.
  20. The student understands the fundamental principles of money.
  21. The associate will seek skills to become First Aid and CPR certified.
  22. The associate will compare and contrast results of drug testing in the workplace.


  1. Supplies: as requested by instructor
  2. No text required


Coursework will be weighted as follows:


Major     60%



Minor     40%

   Daily Writing


   Daily Assignments


  • Associates will collaborate and develop classroom norms, with Specialist approval.
  • Class lab time is expected to be spent in lab work. Lab time is not free time. Please bring appropriate materials.


Attendance:  You are expected to attend class on a regular basis.  Should an emergency arise, it is your responsibility to contact campus and notify them of your absence.  Attendance does impact your course grade.  Therefore, you should attempt to make up any missed time.


Punctuality:  Punctuality is vital for success in this class.


Professionalism:  As per school training and the school handbook, you are expected to act as a young professional.  This is not limited to but includes dress code, language, grooming and any other policies the employer demands.


Class Participation:  Throughout the course, you will be required to participate in class discussions that add to your understanding of the course material.  Your participation in class will be graded.  The value of the grade for participation is listed in course grading policy.


Academic Honesty:  You are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic honesty.  It should be noted that academic dishonesty does not refer only to cheating on exams or assignments, but also plagiarism. Students are expected to maintain integrity.  Therefore, plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated.  Students are to read the student handbook for all behaviors not accepted by the Corpus Christi Independent School District and Del Mar College.  Instructor discretion will be used on an individual basis.



Make a positive impression!

Course Summary:

Date Details Due