Course Syllabus

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Mrs. Valenti

Social Studies Teacher

Collegiate High School


La Sapienza University of Rome - BBA degree in Political Science and International Relations
Texas A&M Corpus Christi - Master's degree in Educational Leadership 

Certifications: Social Studies Composite 7-12/Principalship

Teaching experience: Social Studies Chairperson St. John Paul II High School 
World History and World Geography Teacher

Currently teaching:
Special Topics in Social Studies 9th grade at Collegiate High School 
Micro & Macro Economics

Room 305 VB Del Mar College
Conference periods: M/W 8:00-9:20 AM T/R 1:00-2:20 PM

Contact email:


Special Topics in Social Studies offers a more creative, dynamic, and focused curriculum for 9th grade students. This course will provide you with a greater understanding of the world around you - geographically, culturally, and sociologically. I have designed the course to be a rich, engaging, and thought-provoking experience to help you become a better reader, writer, listener, speaker, critical thinker, and member of society. My philosophy as a teacher is to equip you with transferable skills that will actually help you in real life and encourage you to become informed citizens of tomorrow. This year in Special Topics we will focus on many areas of study. Geography, World Religions, Global Trends, U.S. in World Conflicts, International Relations, Types of Government, U.S. Government, Economics, Current Events, Civic Education through Ideals and Practices. 

Grading Guidelines:

  • Minor grades (50%) will consist of homework, daily class activities, digital journals, collaborative work, current events, maps, notebook activities, review games etc. 
  • Major grades (50%) will consist of research essays, verbal presentations, extensive collaborative work, in class participation, primary & secondary documents analysis, country reports, Unit mastery tests, etc.

*Students may use Homework Free Pass on any assignment (1 per semester).

Attendance is crucial to guarantee high levels of achievement. 

Required Materials:

- Fully charged Chromebook - Writing utensil - Notebook - Highlighters - Planner (grade level) - 

A positive attitude

Daily expectations and procedures: 

  • Due dates for every assignment will be posted on Canvas. Students are expected to submit their work on the date assigned by the instructor. If you cannot submit on the due date assigned, you will be given four days to submit with a ten-point deduction for every day that your assignment is late. After the fourth day, all assignments will close and you will no longer have the opportunity to submit your work.
  • Students must bring to class a fully charged chromebook for everyday instruction. 
  • Cell phones will be allowed in the classroom setting only when they are required for the assignment. During the year, we will practice professional courtesy by keeping our cell phones out of sight during direct instruction. All cell phones will be silenced during class and will be kept in backpacks unless otherwise directed by the instructor. 
  • Students who are absent must notify the teacher via email/Canvas/remind. 
  • Students are expected to inform the teacher when they do not complete work or assignments (face to face or text message/call). 

General expectations for students: 

  • Students are expected to arrive or log in on time
  • Students are expected to participate in class discussions, cooperative learning, presentations, and listen attentively during a lecture. 
  • Students are expected to follow directions.
  • Students are expected to respect each other’s ideas and opinions. 
  • Students are expected to use electronic devices in a responsible and respectful manner by practicing professional courtesy

Academic Integrity/Plagiarism:

Academic dishonesty will NOT be tolerated under any circumstances. Cheating, copying, or plagiarism of any form will result in the following consequences:

  • failure of the assignment
  • disciplinary referral
  • parent contact

Dear Parents

After reading the syllabus, please sign the syllabus agreement on the front page of your child’s class journal. If you have questions or concerns, you may text me at (361) 4257626. For the school year, I encourage parents and students to enroll in the mass text messaging system on the Remind app. To enroll, text 81010 and enter the code @dfabc6. I look forward to partnering with you to make sure this is a wonderful year for your child. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. 



Julia Valenti-Tontini
Social Studies Teacher
Collegiate High School 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due